Esther Pinskier, a Warsaw-born Holocaust survivor, returns to Warsaw with the friends of the Forum-Poland.
New England Region
Members of March of the Living New England travel to Poland as part of a Holocaust remembrance education program. The teen trip ran April 19 to May 3. Participants visited Nazi concentration camps and former shtetls in Poland, followed by a week in Israel, where they marked Israel Memorial Day and Israel Independence Day. The Israel portion of the trip included visits to Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.
Esther Pinskier, a Warsaw-born Holocaust survivor, returns to Warsaw with the friends of the Forum-Poland.
by Irv Kempner
To donate to The New England Friends of MOTL Teen Scholarship Fund,
Write a check (made payable to The New England Friends of March of the Living) and
Mail it to:
The New England Friends of March of the Living
100 Pond Street
Sharon, MA 02067