Dear Aaron,
After reflecting upon these last few days in schools about my March experience, now is the time for me to share this reflection with you. To put it bluntly, The March of the Living trip was the most meaningful and impactful trip I have taken over the course of my life. The organization and unity of the participants are the two reasons why this trip had a big impact on me. From my view, the spots we hit in Poland could not have been better chosen. It seemed as though I experienced the life of a European Jew before and during WW2. I also was amazed with the selection of the camps our group went to and how they were planned out. It was very wise to ease into the more graphic camps as the week progressed and it allowed for me to cope with these moments more easily. From my point of view, these camps evoked the whole range of emotions and the sequencing of visiting these places made these intense moments much more manageable. The unity of the participants is the second reason why this trip is so meaningful. Internationally, the two marches proved inspirational as I briefly met and partied such a diverse body of Jews. I spoke to Belgians, Brazilians; you name it. Regionally, I formed relationships with people from New York to Columbia. In fact, I even found a future college friend from Costa Rica that will join me in the fall at the same university. And even just in Massachusetts, I got so close to kids I did really know weeks before the trip. I revitalized a lost relationship from middle school that should last me forever. I even became super close with people I never even came in contact with. One more important part to this reflection is the distinguishing between the Poland and Israel experience. The trip was most impactful as I saw things that were jaw-dropping and insane. For me the Israeli experience, was more relaxing and fun. I think these experiences should continue the way they already are. Nevertheless, the Israeli experience was powerful to me as well. Next year, I will take up Hebrew again and go on birthright during the summer. I also hope to study abroad in Israel some time during my college experience as well. All the while these commitments ultimately will be done to ascertain my commitment to make sure #neveragain become a worldwide mantra. I hope this reflection gives you some good material to encourage more teens to take advantage of such an amazing opportunity.
Micah Kanter